Occupations that Put Workers at a Higher Risk of Hearing Loss
All people of all ages who are exposed to noise should go for a hearing test Brisbane in Australia at some point . However, studies show that there are different groups of people who need to go for hearing testing more often due to their workplace noise exposure. Hearing loss is one of the leading factors for hearing damage. Here are some occupations that put employees at a high risk of hearing loss. Teaching It is established that most teachers are at a high risk of developing hearing loss that is higher by 9 percent than in situations considered to be normal. Music and PE teachers are the most affected. Classroom noise is above the noise that is considered to be normal. Plumbing Plumbers stand at a high risk of hearing loss. The workplace of a plumber is defined by regular noise exposure from tools used to cut and shape metals. Plumbers should go for a regular workplace hearing test to ensure that they don’t lose their hearing. The police and military Military and p...