Occupations that Put Workers at a Higher Risk of Hearing Loss

All people of all ages who are exposed to noise should go for a hearing test Brisbane in Australia at some point. However, studies show that there are different groups of people who need to go for hearing testing more often due to their workplace noise exposure. Hearing loss is one of the leading factors for hearing damage. Here are some occupations that put employees at a high risk of hearing loss.


It is established that most teachers are at a high risk of developing hearing loss that is higher by 9 percent than in situations considered to be normal. Music and PE teachers are the most affected. Classroom noise is above the noise that is considered to be normal.


Plumbers stand at a high risk of hearing loss. The workplace of a plumber is defined by regular noise exposure from tools used to cut and shape metals. Plumbers should go for a regular workplace hearing test to ensure that they don’t lose their hearing.

The police and military

Military and police officers work in places prone to loud noises resulting from firearms. They are therefore at a high risk of developing hearing loss and that is why they need to have regular checkups.

Truck driving

45 percent of truck drivers have a hearing problem. This is caused to exposure to traffic noise and also from toxic exhaust fumes which impact the body overall.


The agricultural industry has been going through various advancement and this has exposed farmers to noise from different types of agricultural equipment such as mowers and tractors. It is therefore crucial for farmers to go through a hearing test Brisbane in Australia from time to time to ensure that their ears are functioning well. A farmer is also exposed to noise from animals.


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