4 most dangerous jobs that could potentially cause you hearing loss

There are lots of varying jobs that pose a considerable risk for occupational hearing loss when it comes to being exposed to loud noise, thus the need for workplace noise monitoring. The industries that are the most common culprits for this include;

  1. Construction: Workers can go through loud noise through very long periods of time. They frequently utilize some of the noisiest tools like grinders, jackhammers, drills, cutters, or borehole tools that could go up as high as decibel levels that are up to 130dB(A) or even more.

  2. Manufacturing: Some of the operators in this industry utilize heavy machinery like grinding or metal on metal tools the generate noise exposure levels that can turn out to be as high as between 80 and 125dB (A), which can surely be harmful to any ear that happens to be unsafeguarded. This is why most manufacturing firms employ workplace noise monitoring systems.

  3. Armed forces: Members of the armed forces are especially at risk of developing noise-induced hearing loss. This is as a result of the explosives that they use which, can actually reach decibel levels that are even sometimes close to 180dB(A).

  4. Airports: Ground control staff who work in airports could end up being exposed to levels of noise of about 140dB which, happens to be the official threshold for pain.

Other industries which are less obvious but might be neglecting the monitoring of noise include schools, agriculture, emergency services, as well as entertainment. Irrespective of industry, long-term exposure to unsafe noise levels can end in serious safety and health problems like tinnitus or occupational hearing loss.

In conclusion, levels of noise within a workplace have to be checked to determine if an operative happens to be at any risk of developing occupational hearing loss. Workplace noise monitoring should be carried out and measurements taken with suitable sound level meters that offer sound level readings in decibels. Personal noise dosimeters can turn out to be valuable as well. But, only competent individuals should undertake all of these mentioned tasks.


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